- Arrogance – it is the seed of failure – don’t let it take root in your organization
- Be – Your “be” is the heart and soul of you, your team and your organization.
- Commit – commit to your beliefs and vision. Don’t be involved, be committed.
- Do – what you “do” is the decisions you make – Align your “do” and your “be.”
- Expectations – know the expectations of your stakeholders and exceed these.
- Focus – Zero in on your goals with laser-like intensity.
- Goals – identify specific objectives that will ensure achievement of your vision.
- Humility – you are only as good as your next (not last) success – stay humble.
- Innovation – the marketplace is revolutionizing itself daily; you must innovate.
- Jubilation – work hard and celebrate every effort and success – be happy!
- Knowledge – convert data to usable information and then actionable knowledge.
- Living – the world is changing; create a living system, not mechanical processes.
- Mutual – it’s not about you or them but rather us – agree on a mutual purpose.
- Negotiate – command and control is yesterday – negotiate meaning for tomorrow.
- Observe – talk less - observe the marketplace, listen (squint your ears), learn.
- Passion – nothing sells like success, have passion for who you are and what you do.
- Quiet – take time for calm – stop, look, listen – learn – grow quietly.
- Rebound – you will fall – pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again.
- Structure – create a framework for your team so their energies can be focused.
- Technology – IT ensures efficient administration and effective relationships.
- Unique – success is standing out in the crowd – be different – be unique.
- Values/Vision matter - these are the foundation today and the horizon tomorrow.
- Why? What? Who? When? – ask the right questions and discover best answers.
- “X”ceptional – provide exceptional service - exceed all expectations.
- Yearning – never get complacent – always hunger to be the best by doing better.
- Zealot – Align “who you be,” “what you do” and “what you want”; be fanatical.
26 Most Important Words in Business
The second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words in current use. Here are the 26 most important for businesses.