3 Reasons to Use Online Marketplaces

Online health benefits marketplaces make shopping by small businesses as straightforward as buying an automobile.

Providing your employees with insurance coverage is one of the best ways for small business owners to support them. Employees with health insurance are happier, far more productive in the office and more likely to stay at a company if they are satisfied with their current benefits. In this digital age, online benefits marketplaces render finding employee insurance for your employees as modern and straightforward as searching for and buying other high ticket items such as automobiles or homes. There are resources at your disposal should you have any questions throughout the insurance shopping and purchasing process. Below are three reasons online marketplaces help small business owners choose health insurance: Convenience As a small business owner, you are exceedingly busy, and your time is valuable. In a recent Vistaprint survey, small business owners reported spending their time on administrative duties, project management, marketing, product development, design and countless other tasks that are essential to growing their businesses. Your hectic schedule demands that you be able to browse and shop from your laptop or tablet, comparing employee health plan options digitally to save time that you would otherwise spend filling out lengthy paperwork, scheduling meetings or playing phone tag. Sophisticated technology modernizes employee benefits shopping as you know it by removing any confusion or unknowns. See also: 5 Health Insurance Tips for Small Business   Breadth of Options Most small business owners want to know they have considered a wide range of employee health insurance options before buying. You don’t want to sift through stacks of paper when considering your choices, but you do want to make sure you haven’t missed the best plan or plans for your employees. Research shows that 43% of individuals shop and purchase online. Look around the store the next time you are shopping and notice the number of people searching the price of a commodity prior to buying it. Employee benefits are no different. It is important to use the online resources available to you when providing your employees with benefits that suit both their needs and your budget. Broker Support The digital experiences offered by online insurance shopping marketplaces do not mean the death of the broker. People still benefit from having access to an expert in the field should they need any assistance. Even with the most streamlined of digital insurance shopping experiences, you may have questions and concerns along the way, especially because this is a high-cost decision that affects your employees directly. It is helpful to have a licensed broker to answer your questions, put you at ease and act as an ally who can assist you through the process. An online experience does not preclude you from having access to one of these valued resources. Licensed brokers are traditionally still made available to small business owners even online. See also: 4 Trends to Expect in Health Insurance Your employees and their health are important to you. Taking advantage of the ample resources provided by online health insurance marketplaces is the smartest and most cost-effective way to make sure your team is covered. You will save time overall and be presented with a variety of precise information faster, while still having access to support every step of the way.

Sally Poblete

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Sally Poblete

Sally Poblete has been a leader and innovator in the health care industry for over 20 years. She founded Wellthie in 2013 out of a deep passion for making health insurance more simple and approachable for consumers. She had a successful career leading product development at Anthem, one of the nation’s largest health insurance companies.


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