The Threat From Quantum Computing

The urgency to offer post-quantum cryptographic and quantum resilient network solutions to customers has never been greater.

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In today's digital age, the demand for secure data storage and transmission has never been greater. With the advent of quantum computing, the traditional cryptographic methods we've relied on for decades are becoming increasingly more vulnerable. To address this emerging threat, businesses are seeking robust solutions that can help safeguard their sensitive information and protect that data from steal-now-decrypt later (SNDL) style attacks.

Hosting service and colocation providers offering robust network services are in a prime position to capitalize on this opportunity by partnering with leading post-quantum cryptography (PQC) companies to deploy PQC as a service to their customers. This article explores the immense business growth potential for these providers in the rapidly evolving world of data security and cryptographic agility and the huge upgrade to public key infrastructure (PKI) that is ahead.

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The Quantum Threat and Available Solutions

Before delving into the growth opportunities, it's crucial to understand the quantum threat. Quantum computers, with their unprecedented processing power, will have the potential to crack current cryptographic algorithms with ease. This has severe implications for organizations in industries such as financial services, insurance, healthcare and the public sector, as confidential information, financial transactions and communications could be compromised. The urgency to offer post-quantum cryptographic and quantum resilient network solutions to hosting customers has never been greater.

With this rapidly emerging critical threat creating a massive business opportunity, companies have emerged to help drive the PQC and cryptographic orchestration evolution. By leveraging innovative research and technological advancements, leaders in this space have developed a suite of crypto-agile post-quantum cryptographic solutions that are both highly secure and efficient based on proposed National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) quantum-resistant public key algorithms. These solutions are poised to protect enterprises from both quantum and classical threats and to ensure the continued confidentiality of their data.

Growth Opportunities for Hosting Service and Colocation Providers

By partnering and offering this technology, hosting service and colocation providers can differentiate themselves from competitors and capture part of this massive upgrade cycle. Security-conscious customers are increasingly looking for partners that can offer advanced data protection against quantum threats. This unique selling point can attract a broader customer base, including businesses that handle extremely sensitive information such as healthcare providers, financial institutions and government agencies.

Offering PQC as a service enables hosting and colocation providers to expand their network services portfolio in this greenfield market. This diversification not only caters to existing customers but also opens doors to new markets. With the addition of PQC services, providers can address the needs of businesses that previously may not have considered them as workable options.

One of the most compelling reasons for hosting service and colocation providers to offer these solutions is the potential for substantial revenue growth. As the demand for PQC grows, so does the revenue potential for those who can provide it. Moreover, offering cryptographic services can lead to more extended and profitable customer relationships. Hosting service and colocation providers can become the trusted provider of choice by protecting organizations' data from the oncoming quantum threat.

In addition, on Dec. 21, 2022, President Biden signed into law H.R.7535 - The Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, encouraging federal government agencies to adopt technology that will protect against quantum computing attacks. This marks a milestone in the global effort to develop and deploy quantum-resilient cybersecurity. So compliance is now driving the entire federal government on an upgrade path to PQC.

One of the primary aims of hosting service and colocation providers is to safeguard their customers' data. By deploying PQC as a service or as a single-tenant capability, these providers offer a heightened level of security that can help retain and attract clients. Customers will appreciate the commitment to their data security, creating a compelling reason to choose providers that offer PQC in their mix of solutions.

Keeping up with the rapid pace of technological advancements in the field of cybersecurity can be daunting. Partnering with leading PQC vendors allows hosting service and colocation providers to tap into cryptographic expertise and stay at the forefront of PQC developments. Partnerships of this manner ensure access to the latest security measures, enhancing the providers' competitive edge.

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Challenges and Considerations

While the growth opportunities are enticing, hosting service and colocation providers must also consider challenges associated with deploying PQC as a service. These include:

1. Investment and Infrastructure: Implementing PQC solutions may require years for some networks and a significant investment in hardware, software and expertise. Providers need to be prepared for these upfront costs and timetable requirements. However, these added costs and expanded timeframes can be mitigated by partnering with leading PQC providers.

2. Training and Expertise: Staff members will need training to manage and support PQC systems effectively. Ensuring that the workforce is equipped with the necessary ability is vital. This is why partnering with leading PQC solution providers is so important.

3. Customer Education: Hosting and colocation providers may need to educate their customers about the importance of PQC and the added value of the service. PQC partners that offer training and support services can best equip partners to meet these client needs.

4. Competition: As the market for PQC services grows, competition will intensify. Providers should enter the market early to gain a brand and market timing advantage and must be prepared to differentiate themselves and offer compelling value to customers. It's clear that partnering with a leading PQC company will give providers a significant advantage over their competition.

The increasing threat of quantum computing to traditional cryptography has opened a unique and lucrative growth opportunity for hosting service and colocation providers. Partnering to deploy advanced PQC as a service to their customers allows these providers to differentiate themselves in a crowded market, expand their service portfolio and tap into substantial revenue potential. Beyond financial benefits, this partnership offers enhanced data security for customers, access to cutting-edge technology, regulatory compliance and long-lasting customer relationships.

While challenges such as investment and training exist, the potential rewards far outweigh these obstacles, and partnering with the right PQC vendor can help alleviate these issues. Hosting service and colocation providers that embrace the quantum threat and take steps to protect their customers' data with PQC are well-positioned to thrive in the evolving landscape of data security.

In a world where data breaches and cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, staying ahead of the curve is not just an opportunity but a necessity. Hosting service and colocation providers have the chance to be leaders in PQC data security, protect their customers and ultimately secure their own future in the rapidly changing digital ecosystem.

Stuart Oliver

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Stuart Oliver

Stuart Oliver is the head of worldwide partner GTM and programs at QuSecure.

He has over 25 years' experience working in global technology leadership roles in partner Sstrategy and GTM, cloud, executive IT. management, product management and product marketing. He graduated from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

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