Debunking 'Opt-Out' Myths (Part 1)

Some myths are based on misunderstanding -- some on misinformation spread by those with a vested interest in preserving a flawed system.

Those who believe in the current workers’ compensation system share objectives with those who believe that companies should have the ability to “opt out.” We all want quality care for injured workers, better medical outcomes, fewer disputes, a fair profit for insurance companies and the lowest possible costs to employers. However, supporters of “options” to workers’ compensation object to a one-size-fits-all approach to achieving these objectives. They want to be able to either subscribe to the current workers’ comp system or provide coverage to workers through other means. The Texas nonsubscriber option has proven beneficial for injured workers, employers and insurance carriers for more than 20 years. The Oklahoma Option has been in effect for one year and is delivering promised results for injured workers and employers, including lower workers’ compensation costs. Legislation to provide for options in Tennessee and South Carolina was introduced earlier this year. New laws need to be studied carefully. They take time to develop, understand and implement. Injury claims also take time to properly process and evaluate. That is part of the challenge. It takes time to develop the facts of every claim and to hear everyone’s story. The true test of whether a law or new system works is the outcomes it produces over time. Option opponents should take some time to review the results being achieved now in Texas and Oklahoma, and the fact that the Tennessee and South Carolina options are built upon the exact same principles that have led to happier employees and substantial economic development. To cover the issues related to workers’ comp options, I am writing an eight-part, weekly series. This overview is Part 1. The remaining seven will be: Part 2: Low-Hanging Fruit – Dispelling some of the most common myths about workers’ comp options Sometimes, these myths are simply because of misunderstandings. Sometimes, they are outright lies in a desperate attempt to maintain the status quo for workers’ compensation programs that are championed only by a subset of interested insurance carriers, regulators and trial lawyers. Part 3:  Homework and Uninformed Hostility Everyone complains about the inefficiencies, poor medical outcomes, cost shifting and expense of workers’ compensation systems until a viable, proven solution is presented. Then, suddenly, everyone loves workers’ comp? It’s time to take a breath and look at some homework. Part 4: Option Impact on Workers’ Compensation Systems and Small Business Does an option force employers to do anything? Does an option force changes to the workers’ compensation system? Are all workers’ compensation carriers opposed to options? Should past workers’ compensation reforms just be given more time to take hold? Do options hurt the state system by depopulating it of good risks? Do options increase workers’ comp premiums for small business? Is the option just for big companies, and they all elect it? Part 5: Litigation Uncertainties Are Texas negligence liability claims out of control?  Should Oklahoma Option litigation delay other state legislatures? Should Oklahoma Option litigation further delay employers from electing the option? Does an option create animosity between business and labor? Part 6: Option Program Transparency and Other “Checks and Balances” Are immediate injury reporting requirements unfair? Are option benefits simply paid at the discretion of the employer? Are option programs “secretive” and provide no “transparency?” Are there other “checks and balances?” Part 7: Option Program Benefit Levels and Liability Exposures Are option benefits less than workers’ compensation benefits? Are option benefits less than workers’ compensation because of taxes?  Where do the savings come from? Part 8: Impact on State and Federal Governments Do option programs shift more cost to state and federal governments? Do option programs increase state and federal regulatory costs? Do option programs give up state sovereignty over workers’ compensation?

Bill Minick

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Bill Minick

Bill Minick is the president of PartnerSource, a consulting firm that has helped deliver better benefits and improved outcomes for tens of thousands of injured workers and billions of dollars in economic development through "options" to workers' compensation over the past 20 years.


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