To say that the insurance industry is undergoing change is a profound understatement. And the change is not limited to one operational area or role.
An important tool to help insurance companies keep pace with constant disruption is robotic process automation (RPA) — a digital technology that automates rules-based, deterministic processes across many areas within an organization. RPA offers a wide range of benefits, including: the elimination of human errors; improved compliance; time reduction and enhanced productivity; cost reduction; and the enablement of staff to focus on more valuable work.
As the insurance industry grapples with how to best balance the increasing role of automation with the human workforce, a couple of questions come to mind: How can this technology help organizations meet clients’ increasing expectations? And, more broadly, what kind of impact will RPA and automation have on operational processes in such areas as customer experience, insurance policies and risk assessment, pricing and management?
While the applications of these technologies create some uncertainty, the upside is tremendous — both from an operations and workforce perspective. RPA, like other digital technologies, functions as a digital asset that enhances the workforce, drives productivity and generates efficiencies — like the excel macro did for spreadsheets and the calculator did for manual computation before it.
To better understand the context in which these changes are taking place, it is important to move from the abstract to the concrete. RPA benefits insurance companies in a number of ways. A few practical examples include:
- Customer experience
- Policy and data conversions
- Risk assessment, pricing and management