Achieve Efficient Investigations with a Comprehensive Investigative Workflow

Discover an integrated suite of solutions that detect fraud, automate claims processing, and underwrite risk - delivering incremental value and verifiable financial results.

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In this whitepaper, discover an investigative tool that helps insurers identify and eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse while minimizing human intervention in claims processing. Armed with an automated investigative workflow, insurers are better positioned to achieve overall business objectives and deliver on their organizational mission with recouped time and labor.

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Sponsored by Daisy Intelligence 

Daisy Intelligence

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Daisy Intelligence

Daisy Intelligence is an AI software company that delivers Explainable Decisions-as-a-Service for insurance risk management. Daisy’s unique autonomous (no code, no infrastructure, no data scientists, no bias) AI system elevates your employees, enabling them to focus on delivering your mission, servicing your customers, and creating shareholder value. The Daisy system detects and avoids fraudulent claims while enabling claims automation, minimizing human intervention in claims processing. Daisy’s solutions deliver verifiable financial results with a minimum net income return on investment of 10X.



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