How Advanced Agencies Use AI Today

Insurance agencies use generative AI to communicate but must integrate it into more sophisticated processes: policy analysis, document comparison -- and more. 

An artist’s illustration of artificial intelligence

Wild ideas about generative AI dominate tech discussions across our industry and others. But how are leading insurance agencies actually leveraging AI today?

Generative AI for Communications

One of the primary applications of artificial intelligence in advanced agencies is automating the creation of communications. Based on our 2024 industry survey, many agencies express excitement about AI's potential to enhance time management, facilitate growth and improve client satisfaction by automating tasks and providing valuable insights. 

Today, the majority of agencies we polled are using AI to accomplish tasks like:

  • Day-to-day email communications
  • Proposals
  • Lead-gen marketing materials

AI tools generate personalized emails, craft detailed proposals and create engaging marketing content, saving time and ensuring consistency. These tools can also analyze customer interactions to tailor messages more effectively, enhancing engagement and satisfaction. Generative AI can streamline internal communications, fostering better collaboration and productivity within teams. By automating routine tasks, AI tools allow communication professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives. Additionally, it can quickly adapt to changing trends and preferences, ensuring that content remains relevant. 

See also: How Life Insurers Can Leverage Generative AI

Quick Understanding and Review of Insurance Policies

As agencies become more advanced, they find more complex ways to use AI, such as creating efficiency in policy management and comprehension:

  • Policy Analysis: AI algorithms analyze and interpret insurance policies swiftly, providing instant answers to queries and comparing older policies with new ones. This ensures that policyholders and agents can make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
  • Document Comparison: AI streamlines the process of comparing different versions of policies, ensuring accuracy and compliance. This reduces the risk of errors and enhances the reliability of policy documentation.

Ingestion of Documents to Extract Data

AI also has the potential to revolutionize the handling and processing of data from various document formats, making it more efficient and accurate:

  • OCR Capabilities: Advanced OCR (optical character recognition) converts flat documents like PDFs with handwritten notes into searchable formats for the extraction of data into ingestible formats.
  • Data Integration: Extracted data seamlessly integrates into your agency management system for quoting, policy management, and all other operations, reducing manual data entry errors and saving your staff considerable time. 


In such a competitive marketplace, agencies must find innovative ways to sustain and grow their business. As veteran employees age out, technology can help fill some of the knowledge gap for the new generation of agents. AI-driven insights aid in personalized customer interactions and business growth:

  • Customer Interaction: Optimal responses based on customer profiles and sentiment can enhance sales and customer service. By analyzing previous interactions and predicting future behaviors, AI can tailor responses to meet individual customer needs and preferences, leading to more effective and personalized communication.
  • Cross-Sell and Up-Sell: Algorithms identify opportunities for additional coverage based on individual or business needs, boosting revenue. These AI-driven recommendations are continuously refined through machine learning, which adapts to emerging trends and customer behaviors, ensuring that the suggestions remain relevant and valuable.
  • Best Practices: AI recommends expanded coverage options aligned with industry or agency-specific best practices. Ensuring adequate coverage improves client satisfaction and retention. By leveraging data from successful policies and customer feedback, AI systems can provide insights that help agents offer more comprehensive and appealing coverage solutions.

See also: Cautionary Tales on AI

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics empower agencies with strategic foresight, enabling them to anticipate market trends, identify potential risks and make data-driven decisions that enhance operational efficiency and competitive advantage. While the concept of predictive analytics may be new to many agencies, the technology has been available for quite some time, and ignoring it can be a recipe for failure. An agency management system should, at the very minimum, provide:

  • Profitability Analysis: Identify profitable accounts, guiding resource allocation and investment decisions. By analyzing historical data and trends, predictive models can pinpoint which accounts are likely to generate the most revenue, allowing agencies to focus their efforts and resources where they will be most effective.
  • Risk Mitigation: Algorithms predict attrition risks, enabling measures to enhance client retention. By identifying patterns and signals that precede client turnover, agencies can intervene early with personalized strategies to retain valuable clients, thereby reducing churn and increasing long-term profitability.
  • Carrier Efficiency: Updated reports assess carrier performance, optimizing partnerships for operational efficiency. By continuously monitoring and evaluating carrier metrics, predictive analytics help agencies form strategic partnerships and improve overall service quality.
  • Business Expansion: Insights on lucrative lines of business guide expansion efforts, maximizing growth potential. Predictive analytics can identify emerging markets and high-demand services, providing agencies with data-driven recommendations for expanding their offerings and entering new markets. Similarly, you can monitor employee performance, learn more about what makes high performers successful and replicate this behavior across the agency.

Embracing AI in the Future

The rapid adoption of AI technologies underscores a critical urgency for independent agencies to modernize or risk being left behind. As technology continues to evolve, outdated systems will increasingly hinder an agency's ability to serve its customers effectively. Embracing AI not only enhances operational efficiency but also empowers agents to focus more on personalized client relationships and advisory roles. 

Agencies must prioritize integrating AI to stay competitive, ensuring they remain agile and responsive to evolving customer needs. By taking aggressive steps toward AI adoption, agencies can secure their position as trusted advisers to those they serve. 

Jennifer Carroll

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Jennifer Carroll

Jennifer Carroll is the CEO of Veruna, an agency management solution for independent insurance.

She brings over 15 years’ experience in leadership roles in the B2B startup software space in a broad range of industries including insurance, law, finance and big data and analytics. 


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