The Need for Agility in Insurance

37% of insurance companies acknowledge their resilience and agility are weak -- and firms that exhibit strong adaptability outperform competitors by up to 50%. 

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In today’s insurance landscape dominated by climate change, rate changes and challenging market conditions, legacy insurance entities – both carriers and distributors - face a pressing need to enhance their agility. Shockingly, 37% of insurance companies acknowledge their resilience and agility as notably weak. A remedy is critical, as firms that exhibit strong adaptability outperform their competitors by up to 50% in total shareholder returns

Amid the market’s rapid shifts, fostering a leadership mindset centered on agility becomes paramount. For example, VIU by HUB, an omnichannel insurance platform, has adopted an agile strategy from the outset to navigate a competitive landscape and position itself for growth amid stagnancy elsewhere. 

See also: The Evolution of Leadership Intelligence

At its core, agile leadership starts with a mindset shift, moving away from traditional, control-oriented approaches to prioritizing learning and adaptation. It’s not just about quick responses but about continual adaptation, reflection, staying relevant and promptly meeting customer needs. Developing an agile mindset requires deliberate effort to create an environment and culture within an organization that supports it. Specifically, leading with an agile mindset involves:

  • Embracing Learning and Adaptation Over Control: Agile leadership encourages viewing each situation as a learning opportunity and adjusting strategies based on new information. 
  • Expanding Relational Networks: In a rapidly changing market, maintaining a robust network of relationships is crucial for staying informed and relevant. 
  • Maintaining Disciplined Delivery of Results: Agility doesn’t mean chaos. It requires discipline to ensure goals are met while maintaining a focus on delivering high-quality outcomes. 
  • Accepting Uncertainty and Planning for Flexibility: Leaders who accept that plans may change can create strategies that allow for quick adjustments, increasing the likelihood of success.

Think of it this way – instead of entering the day hoping nothing goes wrong, an agile leader starts each day open to new opportunities to learn and add value. This approach uses plans as guardrails for strategic direction while remaining attentive to market demands. 

The value of patience

A common misconception is that agility is solely about speed. However, true agility transcends pace, maximizing stakeholder value through resourcefulness and resilience and adeptly navigating setbacks while keeping teams motivated. For example, VIU delivered a high-quality mobile app by adapting to changing client requirements and market shifts through iterative development, collaboration and continuous learning. By embracing agility, the team demonstrated resourcefulness and resilience, delivering a successful product launch within one year of the company’s emergence. 

Similarly, agility isn’t synonymous with risk aversion or sloppiness. It demands a disciplined approach. This includes identifying operational constraints and fostering innovation within those boundaries, continuously prioritizing tasks that deliver maximum customer value and maintaining flexibility to pivot swiftly in response to challenges and opportunities, ensuring sustained competitiveness. 

The bottom line? Patience is an essential virtue for developing an agile mindset.

See also: ABCs of Digital Transformation

Translating agile leadership into action

Insurance operates in a passive dynamic compared with daily financial tools like debit cards or online banking. Insurance is a promise for future use rather than a daily necessity. This passivity has led to minimal disruption and a lack of urgency for tech advancements. By leveraging agile techniques, companies like VIU, are able to roll out numerous products quickly, even within a legacy organization such as HUB International. 

For insurance leaders seeking to enhance resilience, it’s crucial to identify gaps, develop customer-centric skills, adapt products and services and assess current agility. The following strategies help promote continuous reflection and improvement:

  • Optimize Resources: Work effectively within regulatory constraints to maximize available resources. This involves understanding the regulatory environment and finding innovative ways to operate efficiently within those boundaries.
  • Adapt to Dynamic Spaces: Embrace a dynamic approach by remaining adaptable to evolving industry conditions, adopting new technologies and methodologies and monitoring market shifts through regular analysis to stay ahead of the curve and mitigate the impact of unforeseen changes.
  • Embrace Digital Interactions: Move toward more digital ways of interacting with clients. This not only meets the clients where they are but enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of customer interactions.
  • Leverage AI: Integrate AI into business processes to increase efficiency, free time for other strategic projects and enhance customer experiences.
  • Stay Customer-Focused: Continually deliver value to customers by staying attuned to their needs and preferences. This requires continuing research and engagement with the customer base.

It’s important to respond to unexpected challenges by turning them into opportunities. Insurance leaders must reflect on unplanned events and use those experiences to improve their agility. This approach can unlock new revenue streams and market expansions. As such, the maturation of leaders who adapt to uncertainty is crucial, especially in a dynamic industry like insurance, shifting from analog to digital while navigating regulatory pressures. 

Over all, insurers must prioritize leadership development to sustain agile practices amid uncertainty and rapid change. These legacy entities must focus on developing the right agile leadership mindsights among their leaders and creating the environments for these agile mindsets to flourish. By doing so, they can enhance their resilience and outperform competitors in a thriving market landscape. Given the trajectory of today’s insurance environment, acting now to cultivate adaptable leaders enables companies to turn disruptions into advantages and drive success in an ever-changing environment. 

Bryan Davis

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Bryan Davis

Bryan Davis serves as president of VIU by HUB, a digital brokerage platform backed and developed by HUB International, the largest personal lines broker in the U.S. 

Davis previously held leadership positions with USAA, Nationwide and AIG.

He is a graduate of Wofford College and has an MBA. He is also credentialed as a ChFC and CPCU. 


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