New political risk insurance losses in Ukraine due to Russia's invasion will likely be material but well within the ability of private carriers to perform on their obligations.

Michel Leonard
Michel Leonard, PhD, CBE is vice president, senior economist and data scientist, head of the economics and analytics department of the Insurance Information Institute.
Dr. Leonard brings more than 20 years of insurance experience to Triple-I, including senior and leadership positions as chief economist for trade credit and political risk at Aon; chief economist at Jardine Lloyd Thompson; chief economist and data scientist at Alliant; and chief data scientist at MaKro LLC. In these roles, he worked closely with underwriters, brokers and risk managers to model risk exposures for property-casualty and specialty lines such as credit, political risk, business interruption and cyber.
Dr. Leonard also currently serves as adjunct faculty at New York University’s Economics Department. Previous academic appointments include adjunct faculty in NYU’s Center for Data Science and adjunct faculty at Columbia University’s Data Science Institute and Statistics Department.
He holds a bachelor of arts degree from McGill University, a master's in theological studies from Harvard University and master of arts and doctorate of philosophy degrees in political economy from the University of Virginia, focusing on qualitative and quantitative risk modeling. He is a member of the Insurance Research Council advisory board.