The Key to Preventing Insurance Agent Burnout

Insurance agents, overwhelmed by heavy workloads and a talent shortage, need automation to ease their burden and prioritize vital tasks.

man on phone burnt out

According to a recent Slack survey, a staggering 43% of desk workers report feeling burned out. This problem is especially pronounced in the insurance industry, where the burnout rate stands at 39%, surpassing the national average of 35% and making it one of the top five sectors reporting the highest levels of burnout in 2022. 

While the effects of burnout are felt by every member of an insurance organization, insurance agents are particularly vulnerable. The role of an agent involves selling policies and catering to the needs of existing policyholders, requiring them to interact with many individuals and organizations on a daily basis. If an agent becomes overwhelmed, their ability to fulfill these critical responsibilities may be compromised, leading to negative consequences for both policyholders and insurance carriers, including reduced customer retention rates, decreased revenue streams, and lower satisfaction scores, among other adverse outcomes. 

Today’s insurance talent gap may be pouring gas on the already-blazing burnout fire, but there are ways organizations can bridge the workforce gap and better enable their agents to enjoy their work and be more productive. 

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ITL Partner: InvoiceCloud

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ITL Partner: InvoiceCloud

InvoiceCloud pioneered Software as a Service (SaaS) in the electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) industry. We help insurers increase customer, agent, and employee satisfaction while streamlining the payment process and maximizing operational efficiencies. Our easy-to-use platform improves policyholder retention by removing friction from your most frequent and sensitive customer interactions from premium payments to digital disbursements. Our true SaaS solution delivers the latest innovations immediately without costly customizations.

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