If Insurance Invaded Magazine Covers

Insurance is seen as the evil step sister, but what if it took over five mainstream magazines? Just imagine the impact if Playboy became Playsafe.

Insurance is about collectively managing risks of every person, place or thing. Yet, at best, insurance is the evil step sister of Finance, as the latter, while just as intangible, managed to penetrate mainstream via iconic symbols such as Wall Street and the American dollar, and isn’t that the best brand on earth! Anyhow, that’s all about to change. As the saying goes “If you can dream it, you can do it”. So we went on dreaming…What if insurance spread to the realms of America’s favorite publications because it finally received the attention it deserves?

1. From Wired to Hired   hired


2. From GQ to IQ


3. From Vogue to Fraudfraud

4. From Cosmopolitan Catmopolitan

catmo1 * Miley Cyrus shoot for Cosmopolitan magazine

5. From Playboy to Playsafe


Shefi Ben Hutta

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Shefi Ben Hutta

Shefi Ben Hutta is the founder of InsuranceEntertainment.com, a refreshing blog offering insurance news and media that Millennials can relate to. Originally from Israel, she entered the U.S. insurance space in 2007 and since then has gained experience in online rating models.


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