Use AI to significantly reduce fraudulent claims

This eBook explains trends in insurance fraud, the reinforcement learning approach, keys to successfully embracing AI and how to save millions in fraudulent claims payments.

Insurance companies must be more emphatic in battling fraud and exploring new approaches and technology. Not all technologies, however, will deliver the results insurers need and/or expect. This eBook looks at how insurance fraud is evolving, the best ways to identify emerging typologies, align your teams and operations, and the tools and techniques used to combat fraud.

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Daisy Intelligence

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Daisy Intelligence

Daisy Intelligence is an AI software company that delivers Explainable Decisions-as-a-Service for insurance risk management. Daisy’s unique autonomous (no code, no infrastructure, no data scientists, no bias) AI system elevates your employees, enabling them to focus on delivering your mission, servicing your customers, and creating shareholder value. The Daisy system detects and avoids fraudulent claims while enabling claims automation, minimizing human intervention in claims processing. Daisy’s solutions deliver verifiable financial results with a minimum net income return on investment of 10X.



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