How CRM Can Personalize Insurance

Today's insurance CRM solutions capture customer data, likes, dislikes, preferences and more so insurers can finally realize their personalization goals.

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About seven out of 10 customers expect personalization from businesses they transact with. Delivering on this front promises higher customer loyalty, increased revenue, greater trust and ramped-up customer satisfaction. However, when dealing with a data-intensive industry such as insurance, organizing customer data is a major challenge. Insurers have to collect a wealth of structured and unstructured data, organize it and process it to offer personalized policies.

This is where customer relationship management (CRM) platforms can help. While they have been around for a long time, their role in the insurance industry continues to evolve. Today, insurance CRM solutions are the backbone of personalization. They capture customer data, likes, dislikes, preferences and more so insurers can finally realize their personalization goals.

Here’s a look at the role of CRM insurance services in closing the personalization gap.

See also: How to Customize Insurance for Gen Z

Deliver Seamless Omnichannel Experience

An omnichannel presence powered by CRM in insurance is a shortcut to personalizing customer interactions.


Different customers have different preferences when contacting their insurers. For instance, 28% of seniors and 67% of millennials prefer online modes. Even within the realm of online interactions, the mode varies. The older generation would prefer emails and ticketing systems, while the younger ones would demand to be serviced via live chat or even social media.

Establishing an omnichannel presence ensures that your insurance business can cater to your clientele’s communication preferences. Even if the customer were to switch platforms, the experience would remain seamless, continuous and personalized. At the same time, with CRM acting as a hub of all omnichannel communications, all the data gets collected at a centralized location, allowing for a 360-degree view of the customer.

Targeted Personalized Messaging

Insurance CRM integration not only allows businesses to reach out or be accessible over the policyholder’s preferred channels, but it also provides for targeted messaging.

Here, the focus lies on embedding increased value into the business outreach messages by personalizing the message. Insurance CRM solutions capture information related to the customer’s demographics, lifestyle, behavioral data and more. Moreover, they allow businesses to categorize customers into segments for targeted messaging. As a result, it becomes easier to deliver personalization at a granular level that goes beyond addressing them by name.

Insurance businesses can leverage customer insights derived from personalized CRM platforms to send highly relevant and timely messages that resonate deeply with the recipients. Such a strategy drives engagement and satisfaction by making the customer experience highly relevant and contextual.

Driving Personalization With Predictive Analytics Using AI

Delivering personalized customer experiences relies on two factors.

One, understanding the customer’s present needs. Two, anticipating the customer’s future needs.

The former lays the foundation for service and product personalization while the latter stretches it over time. Today, most CRM solutions for insurance come equipped with the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI), which churns out predictive insights into changing market conditions, customer behavior and preferences. The predictive analytics framework is fueled by the data collected onto the CRM, allowing the AI algorithm to forecast customer requirements and customize solutions dynamically.

Moreover, the combination of the two technologies sets the stage for a continuous improvement and continuous learning setup where AI-driven insights enrich CRM data and vice versa.

See also: How AI Can Humanize Insurance

Enhanced Collaboration to Deliver Consistent Service Quality 

Collaboration is often an understated element in delivering personalized experiences across the customer's journey. However, CRM insurance services highlight collaboration's untapped potential by weaving together the different departments and teams in insurance and laying the groundwork for cross-functional collaboration.

To facilitate this, insurance CRM solutions populate a centralized repository for customer information and interaction history. Such a system brings all the teams onto the same page about their understanding of the client. Additionally, it sets up integrated channels for internal communication, such as through team chats and document sharing, to allow teams to work together. This destroys organizational silos or knowledge gaps, allowing teams to make concerted efforts while addressing customer inquiries and resolving their issues promptly and accurately.

In short, customers can expect a universally consistent and personalized experience regardless of the department they interact with.

Automation-Driven Efficiency to Reduce Turnaround Time

Insurance CRM consulting providers often perform a comprehensive assessment of the business model before recommending the best implementation plan. While evaluating your insurance business for operational efficiency, they might discover routine, repetitive or mundane tasks that can be easily automated using CRM.

Insurance CRM solutions can autonomously handle tasks like policy updates, claims processing and customer onboarding, allowing insurers to focus on more complex and value-enriching tasks. At the same time, they offload human resources, allowing for greater scalability, sustainability and productivity.

Having digital process automation (DPA) tools in CRM solutions for insurance expands the applicability of the system, allowing insurers to deliver a rich, branded and automated experience.

Closing Thoughts

Insurance CRM solutions play a vital role in delivering service and product personalization across various facets of the customer journey. Whether it is marketing and outreach, policy underwriting, claims settlement or customer support, every segment of the customer lifecycle will benefit immensely through insurance CRM integration.

Insurers must explore the possibility of using advanced CRM solutions for insurance to make communication omnichannel, personalize messages, predict customer requirements, collaborate internally and harness the power of automation. 

Such an approach will not only help them meet their current customer expectations but exceed them not just now but also in the future. Such tangible benefits will pave the way for a profitable and sustainable insurance business in a highly competitive landscape.

Faheem Shakeel

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Faheem Shakeel

Faheem Shakeel serves as the practice head (insurance technology and services) at Damco Solutions.


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