How to Bottle Great Customer Experience By Jon Picoult As the story of a prescription medicine bottle shows, everything has a customer experience and must be thought out.
Mobile Messaging: How to Meet Rules By Donna Peeples Many of the most popular social mobile messaging platforms don’t meet regulatory requirements.
Improve Reputations By Peter Blackmore Profiling clients’ risks before recommending insurance reduces conflict-of-interest perceptions surrounding issues like sales commissions.
The Case for Personalization By Tara Kelly Personalization is much more than a sign of respect or of tech savvy. It opens up possibilities for relationship-building through technology.
Customer Experience: Not Arm Wrestling By Karen Pauli Departments fight over who owns the customer experience -- or who doesn't. This has to stop. Some individual needs to take ownership.
5 Technologies That Connect to Customers By Brady Mason Technological advancements let consumers connect with insurers at all times, creating highly personalized services that are in high demand.
Answer to a Better Customer Experience? By Steve Biancaniello The answer starts with identifying what chunks of customer material you can share and re-use in a consistent way.
Want to Enhance Your Customer Experience? By Jon Picoult Firms overlook key components of the experience — they appear mundane but can determine customer perceptions.
The Experience/Efficiency Paradox By Rory Yates Insurers must move from the manufacturing era (efficiency through administrative scale) to the ecosystem era (maximizing the value of a relationship).
Changing Expectations on Mobile Payments By Julie Schieni 41% of millennials with insurance purchased it with their mobile device, and other generations are moving in that direction, too.
Are We Losing Our Negotiating Power? By Taylor Smith John Burge The plaintiff bar has investigated a staggering amount of money to improve its data on claims settlements. Insurance industry lawyers are way behind..
Continuous Improvement Comes to Insurance By Tom Bobrowski Process intelligence tools let operations leaders “see” digital products being built, enabling use of statistical process control techniques.