While many factors contribute to social inflation, analysis suggests that an increase in non-fatal auto accidents may be one of the most influential.

Tom Karol
Tom Karol serves as general counsel - federal in NAMIC’s Washington office.
Karol represents NAMIC in Washington on issues affecting property/casualty insurance companies and has primary management of NAMIC’s response to Dodd-Frank legislation and regulation. He is also the leader of NAMIC’s investment services practice. Karol has extensive legal, regulatory and operations experience with major financial services companies, law firms, regulatory agencies and Congress. He was a leader in Deloitte’s global financial services practice, a supervisory principal for a broker dealer, with the S.E.C. Division of Enforcement and with the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.
Karol graduated from the University of Notre Dame Law School and has a political science degree from St. John Fisher College.