A great many companies don't realize they rely on critical web-service suppliers, but when the technology goes down, business may grind to a halt.

Yonatan Hatzor
Yonatan Hatzor is a successful entrepreneur.
He co-founded Parametrix in 2018 based on his realization that cloud downtime was a growing, unaddressed risk for businesses. He first built the technology to collect and analyze data, and based on that was able to get the backing of major insurers and to offer a first-of-its-kind cloud downtime insurance product. The new policies earned the trust and backing of the largest global insurers and are protecting hundreds of businesses from the damages of third-party IT failure.
Prior to creating Parametrix, Hatzor built Matter, which developed technology to visualize properties using 3D imagery, to create virtual tours. Three years later, his company was acquired by Treedis.