Amazon has proven leadership as an e-commerce distributor, and there are compelling reasons for insurers and Amazon to create a distribution model to match ever-evolving customer demands.|
The journey toward reinventing insurance has started, whether you are on the road or not. It will be interesting to see the ecosystems that emerge to help capture the potential, change legacy cultures and enable new ideas and technologies to be put into operation.
By paying attention to the key questions you can manage some of the risk as well as the moral and ethical issues when dealing with this question of who owns an organization’s social media account.
If the California workers' compensation community understands what SB 863 will and will not do on January 1 and in 2013, 2014, and 2015, SB 863 might be the elusive long-term reform generations of employers and workers have wanted for so many decades.
Many businesses fail to remember that, despite all of the positive aspects social media brings to a firm's marketing, communication, and sales efforts, it's also ripe with opportunity to damage their brand and cause a financial loss.