The Right Way to Think About Bundling Bundles currently encourage customers to buy based on price, but insurers can use them to become trusted advisers on risk.
The Most Difficult Insurance Customers By Tony Boobier We know which customers are the most costly in terms of risk and product, but has any company figured out which customers are the most problematic?
Carriers Want Loyalty but Haven't Earned It By Marty Ellingsworth Intermediaries will emerge that will shop automatically for insurance for customers on an hourly, daily or weekly basis. |
Go on Offense Using Social Media Most companies make a common mistake: They set up accounts on popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter -- then stop.
Who Owns the Customer Experience? Here are five tips that will help insurers engage their field forces in a constructive effort to improve the customer experience.
Dare to Be Different: New Ways to Communicate With Customers By Nikhil Datar Sathyanarayanan Sethuraman Here is a blueprint for how insurers can go from communications with customers focused on regulated activities to ones that deliver real ROI.|
Lots of Energy Going Into Improving the Customer Experience The ideal will be to establish a unified platform to support all digital customer interactions in a common manner, then optimize each with an understanding of the overall customer journey.
Unified Communications and Collaboration are Increasingly Important for Insurers Insurers believe the next three years will see a shift in important unified communications and collaboration developments.
Are We Losing Our Negotiating Power? By Taylor Smith John Burge The plaintiff bar has investigated a staggering amount of money to improve its data on claims settlements. Insurance industry lawyers are way behind..
Continuous Improvement Comes to Insurance By Tom Bobrowski Process intelligence tools let operations leaders “see” digital products being built, enabling use of statistical process control techniques.
The Experience/Efficiency Paradox By Rory Yates Insurers must move from the manufacturing era (efficiency through administrative scale) to the ecosystem era (maximizing the value of a relationship).
Changing Expectations on Mobile Payments By Julie Schieni 41% of millennials with insurance purchased it with their mobile device, and other generations are moving in that direction, too.