3-Point Plan for an Innovation Portfolio By Chunka Mui The challenge is that organizations are overwhelmed with more ideas than they can sort out, much less pursue.
Is Price Optimization Really an Evil Idea? By Monique Hesseling No, because customers benefit, too. Most insurers should -- and can -- get to this next level of sophistication on pricing.
6 Insurance Jobs That Must Change By Julian Alssid Melissa Goldberg The industry is growing, but insurers must overcome employment challenges before seeing the benefits of the boom.
Can Insurance Be Funny? Should It? By Tony Boobier Monty Python and others think so. The humor is the equivalent of reading the cartoons in the newspaper before you get to the real stuff.
Our 'FD&H' Curse: Fat, Dumb and Happy By David Nour The industry has a leadership ;problem: The world is boarding maglev trains, while many insurance executives are still looking for the horse and buggy.
5 Insurance Novels You Must Read Some Time Over the Summer By Shefi Ben Hutta Summer is meant for breezy romances and page-turner thrillers, so pick up a few books.
What Tim Howard Just Did for Insurance By Shefi Ben Hutta As the Twitterverse said during the U.S. goalie's epic World Cup performance against Belgium, he could become the face of insurance.
3 Reasons Why Big Firms Should (and Can) Out-Innovate Start-Ups By Chunka Mui Yes, small and agile beats big and slow, but big and agile beats anyone—and that combination is possible.
Are We Losing Our Negotiating Power? By Taylor Smith John Burge The plaintiff bar has investigated a staggering amount of money to improve its data on claims settlements. Insurance industry lawyers are way behind..
Continuous Improvement Comes to Insurance By Tom Bobrowski Process intelligence tools let operations leaders “see” digital products being built, enabling use of statistical process control techniques.
The Experience/Efficiency Paradox By Rory Yates Insurers must move from the manufacturing era (efficiency through administrative scale) to the ecosystem era (maximizing the value of a relationship).
Changing Expectations on Mobile Payments By Julie Schieni 41% of millennials with insurance purchased it with their mobile device, and other generations are moving in that direction, too.