Why Enterprise IT Plans Rarely Succeed By Victor Zusman Every step is, we hope, conducted by people who know their own step very well, yet they have a limited knowledge of the prior or the next step.
Why More Don't Go Direct-to-Consumer By Tom Hammond Some carriers run as many as 27 aging policy administration systems -- and data across informational silos is often inconsistent.
Riding the Wave on Expense Management By Sunny Manivannan Expense reporting is changing to the point where our kids and our grandkids will not understand what “doing your expenses” means.
The Planning Process in a Twitter World By Mike Manes Does your organization live its Purpose, with Passion, Persevering regardless of the circumstances?
The Insurance Renaissance Rolls On By Denise Garth A new insurance paradigm and renaissance is being crafted regardless of whether incumbents choose, or are able, to play in this area.
New Message From Lemonade By Bill Wilson Lemonade announced a new coverage stance on guns and gun owners, but does it benefit society or just Lemonade?
Is Shrinking a Growing Trend? By Maria Ferrante-Schepis What does minimalism have to do with innovation? Everything, if you are in an industry like insurance that intersects with people’s stuff.
'Close Enough' Isn't Good Enough By Lynda Brendish Hyper-precise location data is needed. Without it, 5% to 10% of homeowners and auto policies are mispriced -- by as much as 87%.
Are We Losing Our Negotiating Power? By Taylor Smith John Burge The plaintiff bar has investigated a staggering amount of money to improve its data on claims settlements. Insurance industry lawyers are way behind..
Continuous Improvement Comes to Insurance By Tom Bobrowski Process intelligence tools let operations leaders “see” digital products being built, enabling use of statistical process control techniques.
The Experience/Efficiency Paradox By Rory Yates Insurers must move from the manufacturing era (efficiency through administrative scale) to the ecosystem era (maximizing the value of a relationship).
Changing Expectations on Mobile Payments By Julie Schieni 41% of millennials with insurance purchased it with their mobile device, and other generations are moving in that direction, too.