The Many Questions Raised By Christopher Ketcham Drones clearly carry huge advantages, but they also raise tricky questions. What happens when they see things that should stay private?
Microinsurance Has Macro Future By Andrew Dart Big data will enable microinsurance by improving weather forecasts -- and farmers will thrive throughout the developing world.
2015: Pivotal Year for Emerging Technology The result? New customer expectations. Decreased risk. New product needs. New service revenues. New competitors. And more....
Where Are the New Wearables Heading? By Jeff Pettegrew Wearables could improve health monitoring and safety, but issues like battery life, transparency and simplicity need to be resolved.
2015: The Year 'Social' Breaks Out of the Silo By Clara Shih Businesses have adopted social media, but in 2015 it will no longer be seen as a discrete activity; it will spread through the whole organization.
9 Technologies That Will Change Insurance By Denise Garth If driverless cars end personal auto insurance, how will that affect other products? How do we assess the risk of a 3D-printed structure?
Why GM Must Beat Google in Driverless By Chunka Mui These five reasons also apply to incumbent insurers that face innovative challengers.
A Report From MIT on the Next Revolution Sadly, few insurance executives attended the MIT symposium. This stresses the challenge we have as an industry to recognize the disruption that is underway.
Tech Secret to a Combined Ratio Below 100% By Matteo Carbone Deepak Karthikeyan While large personal auto insurers have adopted telematics-based programs, they’re only scratching the surface of the potential benefits.
Insurtech Is at an Inflection Point By Tom Kussurelis Insurtech funding has been dropping since 2021 and hit a 20-quarter low in 4Q22. Will it rebound, continue on a flat path or decline further?
'Digital Twins': The Race Is On By Roger Arnemann The concept is widely adopted in manufacturing and supply chain. Insurers that integrate digital twins will significantly out-compete rivals.
Insurance in 2030: What Does the Future Hold? By Marie Carr In an increasingly fractured world, insurers have to cover a greater array and frequency of intensifying risks.