Driverless Car (Part 5): Many Disruptions Loom By Chunka Mui <p>The Google car is nothing more than a mashup of widely available innovations. Similarly bold killer apps will upend every information-intensive industry.</p>
Driverless Car (Part 3): Sooner Than You Think By Chunka Mui Costs will fall rapidly, and adoption and liability issues can be resolved reasonably quickly.
'Digital Twins': The Race Is On By Roger Arnemann The concept is widely adopted in manufacturing and supply chain. Insurers that integrate digital twins will significantly out-compete rivals.
Insurance in 2030: What Does the Future Hold? By Marie Carr In an increasingly fractured world, insurers have to cover a greater array and frequency of intensifying risks.
Tech Secret to a Combined Ratio Below 100% By Matteo Carbone Deepak Karthikeyan While large personal auto insurers have adopted telematics-based programs, they’re only scratching the surface of the potential benefits.
Insurtech Is at an Inflection Point By Tom Kussurelis Insurtech funding has been dropping since 2021 and hit a 20-quarter low in 4Q22. Will it rebound, continue on a flat path or decline further?