10 Reasons to Stress Customer Retention By Steve Johnson It costs an average of seven to nine times more for an insurance agency to acquire a new customer than to retain one.
Low Insurance Premiums Aren't Enough By Kim Totty insurers must strike a balance between competitive pricing and delivering exceptional services to ensure customer retention.
How AI Can Humanize Insurance By Jess Keeney AI lets insurers make connections and draw insights from data that otherwise may not have been available, at least not at speed or scale.
Balancing AI and the Future of Insurance By Bryan Davis To be successful in our use of AI, we must remember one thing: A machine cannot replace the need for human touch in our industry.
2024 Outlook for AI in Insurance By Abhishek Peter insurers will provide more accurate underwriting, efficient claims processing and a personalized customer experience.
Why Hasn't Insurance Automated More? By Binny Gill It will. The new era of natural language processing will contain costs, improve customer experience and fight off new competition.
Revolutionizing Life Insurance Uptake in Younger Markets By Michael de Waal LIMRA found that interest in life insurance products is at an all-time high for younger adults. There is an enormous opportunity.
Risk of Underinsurance as Inflation Soars By Beth Nelson Balancing inflation and claims payouts shows the importance of updating policy coverage.
Are We Losing Our Negotiating Power? By Taylor Smith John Burge The plaintiff bar has investigated a staggering amount of money to improve its data on claims settlements. Insurance industry lawyers are way behind..
Continuous Improvement Comes to Insurance By Tom Bobrowski Process intelligence tools let operations leaders “see” digital products being built, enabling use of statistical process control techniques.
The Experience/Efficiency Paradox By Rory Yates Insurers must move from the manufacturing era (efficiency through administrative scale) to the ecosystem era (maximizing the value of a relationship).
Changing Expectations on Mobile Payments By Julie Schieni 41% of millennials with insurance purchased it with their mobile device, and other generations are moving in that direction, too.