Even though agents are thriving, direct distribution will significantly increase, insurtech will play a big role in reshaping distribution and big tech companies will enter the space.
"Many agencies will say, well, we have two policies per client, so we've done a really good job because the industry average is around 1.62. But if my agent only has two policies with me, he's left well over half my business on the table."
Agencies are highly motivated to use technology to track data on existing clients, to retain them. We need this same commitment in the pre-sale process for new clients.
There's a ton of information that agents can bring to the table based on what they know about customers. Companies spend loads of money buying data about customers that, in most cases, isn't that great. We're all trying to figure out who this customer is – and the agent likely knows it. So, is there a way that you could pay agents for good data?