Hacking the Human: Social Engineering By John Farley Here are seven social engineering tactics that hackers are using to trick employees, along with eight defenses.
Zenefits: Only the Start for Brokerages By Joe Markland Whether you agree with what Zenefits did or not, you can’t argue with its results -- so more brokerages will follow its example.
How to Cope With Shifting Appetites By Matt Foran Carriers' appetites for certain risks shift constantly, and brokers often can't keep up. A new sort of search engine can help.
Insurance in the Age of the 12th Man By Brian Duperreault Our long-term goal at Hamilton USA is to get the questions that an agent or broker asks an insured down to two: name and address.
Insurance 2.0: How Distribution Evolves By Kyle Nakatsuji In designing business models and products for Insurance 2.0, customers should be thought of as <em>intent-driven</em> or <em>opportunity-driven.</em>
Find Your Voice as an Insurance Agent By Brent Kelly How can you stand out among the hundreds of thousands of agents? The answer begins with your inner voice, the one you speak to yourself.
Why the Agent Will NOT Be Disrupted By Nick Lamparelli The decision to shut down Google Compare is letting the author take a victory lap -- though with some caution.
Zenefits’ Troubles Don’t Let Brokers Off By Alan Katz Even in the unlikely event that Zenefits disappears, brokers can't just rejoice about the bully's comeuppance. They must take four lessons to heart.
The Promise of Continuous Underwriting By Bill Deemer Bobby Touran Typically, a risk is underwritten, bound... and forgotten. But new streams of data and automation allow for continuous underwriting.
Convergence and the Insurance Ecosystem By Stephen Applebaum Alan Demers Companies must anticipate the future, innovate beyond their core and transform their capabilities as rapidly as technology allows.
Lemonade's 'Synthetic Agent' Nonsense By Matteo Carbone Desperate for growth, Lemonade produces another howler: A lender receiving a 16% interest rate is presented as a (synthetic) agent.
Auto Insurance in an Existential Crisis By Stephen Applebaum Alan Demers The 125-year-old, $300 billion U.S. auto insurance industry is caught between runaway inflation and strained consumer wallets.